Fueling minds and bodies to mobilize souls.
A4: Anchored - Aligned - Aimed - Assigned
Anchoring to identity and aligning with their God-given purpose, women walk away empowered to live a life of fulfillment and massive impact.

There is not a current date scheduled for the A4.  Stay tuned.
The C.H.A.N.G.E.  Program
We learn and implement strategies to help grow and create change.  We grow through intentional investment in mind, body and soul.

NEXT C.H.A.N.G.E. Program begins 2/24/2019.
Health & Wellness Programming
Seasonal programming providing resources, training, and community to make fit fun and feasible.  The next seasonal program begins 4/5/19.

"I woke up excited to be me!"
Carly L.
A4 Program Participant
"This is incredibly healing and empowering! There are places in my life I don't talk about because of the shame and pain and judgement. But doing this I'm seeing how God aligned it so it can be used not hidden! "
Michelle L.
A4, C.H.A.N.G.E. and Health/Wellness Program Participant
"Hope has been renewed and restored.  I’m crying as I type this because I haven’t felt this kind of peace in at least several years. I’m floored, and so blessed by this program."
April H.
C.H.A.N.G.E. Program Participant
Changing things is only half the battle! Keeping it is the hardest part!
Breakthrough strategies and programs are my thing!  If you're needing a bit of breakthrough, say the word by clicking on the button!
Jamie Beeson - Copyright - 2017 - Photo credit to Meghan Koshatka Photography
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